Public Speaking
Contact to inquire about availability for keynote presentations for universities, cultural institutions; Panel participant, or moderator...
Sample Presentation Topics
Human Rights, Racial Justice, and Indigenous Peoples
Taíno Indigenous Language // Culture // History // Identity Politics
Sample Presentation Topics
Indigenous Medicinal Plant Usage in the Caribbean and the Americas
Information and Communications Technology and Indigenous Peoples
Sample Presentation Topics
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change // Sustainable Development
Indigenous Sacred Sites Issues
Selected Lectures, Conferences, Convenings, International Meetings
April 14 2024
April 2024
Microsoft internal, diversity and inclusion event
Participated as a Microsoft keynote speaker at an internal, diversity and inclusion event for all employees. Partnered with the company's Indigenous Employee Resource Group to speak on the global challenges and opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in the context of climate change, water security, and sustainable development.
February 2024
United Nations GA 78 Reviews of ECOSOC and the HLPF
November 9-10, 2023
UNEP North American Regional Contextualization Workshop, Montreal, Canada
February 2022
International Indian Treaty Council’s 47th International Conference, Guatemala
3-11 September 2021
Congress to set priorities and drive conservation and sustainable development action. The event has three main components: The Members’ Assembly; the Forum; and the Exhibition.
SUNY - Empire State College, New York
Creative Expressions:The intersection of #BLM and #NativeLivesMatter movements, panelist
April 22, 2020
#COVID19 & Climate Change as Public Health Crises: How the values of religious & #indigenous peoples can guide us in balancing our relationship with the earth, Panelist
January 2020
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Indigenous Perspectives: A Discussion on the Intersections of human rights, the environment, and our responsibilities to the future generations, Panelist
October 2019
Drawdown Learn, Omega Institute for Sustainable Living, NY
November 2018
SUNY Empire State College, NY
August 2018
The 67th UN DPI / NGO Conference, UN Headquarters, NYC
March 2018
Union Theological Seminary, Center for Earth Ethics, NYC
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61), United Nations, NY
Women as Roots of Change – DPI/NGO CSW Briefings: Panelist
UNFCCC, Marrakech, Morocco
UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP22): Delegate, Indigenous Peoples Caucus on behalf of the International Indian Treaty Council
SDG Media Zone, UN Headquarters, NY
Indigenous Peoples and the SDGs: Panelist
22 September 2014
World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
3rd SIDS Conference, Apia, Samoa
United Nations General Assembly Special Session
Prep for World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, Alta, Norway
Preparatory Meeting, World Conference on Indigenous Peoples: Delegate, Latin American and the Caribbean, Panelist, Cultural Presenter
Green Fest, Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey
Indigenous Peoples and Water: Keynote Address
Eastern and Indigenous Perspectives Conference, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
Indigenous Peoples and Conflict Resolution: Keynote Address
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian, Washington D.C.
Taino Legacy Workshop: Advisory Group
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian, Washington D.C.
Beyond Extinction: Consciousness of Taíno and Caribbean Indigeneity, Respondent
Rockland Community College, Suffern, NY
African and Indigenous Connections in the Caribbean: Keynote address
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida
Native American Heritage Month Celebration: Keynote Address
United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Delegate
United Nations Department of Public Information, and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, NY
UN DPI/NGO Briefing: Climate Change and its Impact on Indigenous Peoples: Panelist
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program at Long Island University, NY
The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - A Discussion: Panelist
UNICEF, Georgetown, Guyana
Meeting on the Rights of Indigenous and Maroon Children in the Caribbean: Delegate
NGO Committee on Human Rights, United Nations, NY
Human Rights and Poverty - Voices from Affected Groups: Panelist
71 Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archeology (SAA), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Current Issues in the Practice of Archeology in Puerto Rico: Panelist
World Summit on the Information Society, Tunis, Tunisia
Indigenous Peoples and the Information Society: Report on Central, South America, and the Caribbean: Delegate